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Bernard Charlier talks to us about environmental management

Off-site 3D construction has many advantages by definition, in particular standardisation and the Lean manufacturing that roll-out involves.

Off-site 3D construction has many advantages by definition, in particular standardisation and the Lean manufacturing that roll-out involves.

The low impact on soil artificialisation and the reversibility of use, the low impact of the building site on local residents and mobility, the large capacity to reuse materials on the production site thanks to the implementation of reverse logistics, quality, safety and work comfort under shelter, as well as the consistent quality of the deliverable, add to the list of environmental advantages inherent to the principle of off-site construction.

At the same time, the company is aware of its social responsibility in terms of the use of resources and towards its economic, social and environmental ecosystem. Today, it is constantly working towards an environmental management system.

This approach has recently taken on a significant new aspect with the incorporation of staff dedicated to all the environmental issues. This currently includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a carbon assessment of our off-site 3D construction principle based on life cycle analyses and environmental data sheets available for the products and equipment used.

a waste-management plan with flow monitoring and quantified performance and targets for the reduction of waste production.

monitoring bio-sourced and sustainable materials, and anticipating changes in recommended or mandatory standards for environmental performance in the construction sector.

Degotte thoroughly invests and believes in all these aspects.

Bernard CHARLIER, Circular Economy Developer – Degotte S.A.


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